Something amazing

Image shared from

Something amazing happened to me this morning.. for the first time since I’ve lived here in the UK, I witnessed a Monarch butterfly land in my back yard and it stayed for quite some time. So I decided to check into the meaning of this, if there was any…. this Optimist is now speechless…

Here’s little preview of what I found, but the full description is available by viewing the Monarch butterfly link added above.

Lessons and Challenges:

The monarch butterfly teaches us that life is short, and that it must be valued. Assuming that we have decades of our lives left (or at the very least, years) is all well and good for things like economic planning, but it is through recognising the fleetingness of human existence that we come to value every day, even those which get us down or which are hard to appreciate.


Happy Friday

With love,


I really want_____


It’s a big world out there but somehow, somewhere there is a place for you.  Maybe you’ve just left school or haven’t decided which job or course is for you….perhaps your family is asking you to decide what you’re going to do now?  You need a place….

Where that place is, can ONLY be found by you.  Yes, I’m saying YOU.. the ones who are not sure what they want to do,  who to ask, how to do it or what to do when you get there.

What’s next?  <<<< cool video (at least I hope so)

Do you get it?  You can be anything you set you mind to.. you just need to do a few things to get there:

  1. Think about what you like (maybe even go on-line and look stuff up)
  2. Know what you CAN do
  3. If you need more help, ask for it
  4. Prove yourself to those that are able to help you
  5. Don’t give up (It’s your life and your future)
  6. Ask questions! No one knows everything
  7. Present yourself differently than you do with your friends (you know, your “good clothes” not hanging out with friends or going out clothes)
  8. Don’t be too hard on yourself.. we all had to start somewhere

So maybe you’ve liked what I’ve said so far or maybe you’re not sure…

I’ll leave you with some stuff to get you started and please, take my advice.. I really want to be one of those people whom you’ve never met that perhaps you can thank one day.

First job-cv-template

There, I hope this helps.

Keeping it short, but keeping it real.
